ACS2 in Maze

This notebook presents how to integrate ACS2 algorithm with maze environment (using OpenAI Gym interface).

Begin with attaching required dependencies. Because most of the work is by now done locally no PIP modules are used (just pure OS paths)

# General
from __future__ import unicode_literals

%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# To avoid Type3 fonts in generated pdf file
matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
matplotlib.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42

# Logger
import logging

# ALCS + Custom environments
import sys, os

# Enable automatic module reload
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

# Load PyALCS module
from lcs.agents.acs2 import ACS2, Configuration, ClassifiersList

# Load environments
import gym
import gym_maze

Environment - Maze

We are going to look at provided mazes. Their names starts with “Maze…” or “Woods…” so see what is possible to load:

# Custom function for obtaining available environments
filter_envs = lambda env:"Maze") or"Woods")

all_envs = [env for env in gym.envs.registry.all()]
maze_envs = [env for env in all_envs if filter_envs(env)]

for env in maze_envs:
    print("Maze ID: [{}], non-deterministic: [{}], trials: [{}]".format(
  , env.nondeterministic, env.trials))
Maze ID: [MazeF1-v0], non-deterministic: [False], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [MazeF2-v0], non-deterministic: [False], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [MazeF3-v0], non-deterministic: [False], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [MazeF4-v0], non-deterministic: [True], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [Maze4-v0], non-deterministic: [False], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [Maze5-v0], non-deterministic: [False], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [Maze6-v0], non-deterministic: [True], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [Woods1-v0], non-deterministic: [False], trials: [100]
Maze ID: [Woods14-v0], non-deterministic: [False], trials: [100]

Let’s see how it looks in action. First we are going to initialize new environment using gym.make() instruction from OpenAI Gym.

#MAZE = "Woods14-v0"
MAZE = "Maze5-v0"

# Initialize environment
maze = gym.make(MAZE)

# Reset it, by putting an agent into random position
situation = maze.reset()

# Render the state in ASCII


The reset() function puts an agent into random position (on path inside maze) returning current perception.

The perception consists of 8 values representing N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW directions. It outputs 0 for the path, 1 for the wall and 9 for the reward.
# Show current agents perception
('1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0')

We can interact with the environment by performing actions.

Agent can perform 8 actions - moving into different directions.

To do so use step(action) function. It will return couple interesting information: - new state perception, - reward for executing move (ie. finding the reward) - is the trial finish, - debug data

ACTION = 0 # Move N

# Execute action
state, reward, done, _ = maze.step(ACTION)

# Show new state
print(f"New state: {state}, reward: {reward}, is done: {done}")

# Render the env one more time after executing step
New state: ('1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0'), reward: 0, is done: False


Agent - ACS2

First provide a helper method for calculating obtained knowledge

def _maze_knowledge(population, environment) -> float:
    transitions = environment.env.get_all_possible_transitions()

    # Take into consideration only reliable classifiers
    reliable_classifiers = [c for c in population if c.is_reliable()]

    # Count how many transitions are anticipated correctly
    nr_correct = 0

    # For all possible destinations from each path cell
    for start, action, end in transitions:

        p0 = environment.env.maze.perception(*start)
        p1 = environment.env.maze.perception(*end)

        if any([True for cl in reliable_classifiers
                if cl.predicts_successfully(p0, action, p1)]):
            nr_correct += 1

    return nr_correct / len(transitions) * 100.0
from lcs.metrics import population_metrics

def _maze_metrics(pop, env):
    metrics = {
        'knowledge': _maze_knowledge(pop, env)

    # Add basic population metrics
    metrics.update(population_metrics(pop, env))

    return metrics

Exploration phase


# Define agent's default configuration
cfg = Configuration(

# Define agent
agent = ACS2(cfg)
population, metrics = agent.explore(maze, 100)
CPU times: user 5.19 s, sys: 11.7 ms, total: 5.2 s
Wall time: 5.22 s

We can take a sneak peek into a created list of classifiers. Let’s have a look at top 10:

population.sort(key=lambda cl:

for cl in population[:10]:
    print("{!r} \tq: {:.2f} \tr: {:.2f} \tir: {:.2f}".format(cl, cl.q, cl.r,
9####010 0 1####101         (empty)               q: 0.963 r: 884.0  ir: 884.0  f: 851.7  exp: 41  tga: 645   talp: 2817  tav: 46.2   num: 1    q: 0.96         r: 884.02       ir: 884.02
9#1##010 0 1####101         (empty)               q: 0.921 r: 809.5  ir: 806.3  f: 745.3  exp: 31  tga: 1682  talp: 2817  tav: 35.7   num: 1    q: 0.92         r: 809.54       ir: 806.29
##901### 2 ##110###         (empty)               q: 0.875 r: 762.2  ir: 762.2  f: 666.8  exp: 27  tga: 590   talp: 2875  tav: 79.1   num: 1    q: 0.87         r: 762.17       ir: 762.17
011###01 0 9#####10         (empty)               q: 0.989 r: 563.2  ir: 0.0    f: 557.2  exp: 40  tga: 951   talp: 2817  tav: 43.4   num: 1    q: 0.99         r: 563.17       ir: 0.00
01##0#01 0 9#####10         (empty)               q: 0.976 r: 563.2  ir: 0.0    f: 549.5  exp: 41  tga: 949   talp: 2817  tav: 42.7   num: 1    q: 0.98         r: 563.17       ir: 0.00
01110001 0 9#####10         (empty)               q: 0.972 r: 563.0  ir: 0.0    f: 547.1  exp: 41  tga: 949   talp: 2817  tav: 41.3   num: 1    q: 0.97         r: 563.01       ir: 0.00
0#1##001 0 9#####10         (empty)               q: 0.953 r: 553.8  ir: 0.0    f: 527.6  exp: 32  tga: 1769  talp: 2817  tav: 32.5   num: 1    q: 0.95         r: 553.76       ir: 0.00
1000#101 1 9111#010         (empty)               q: 0.942 r: 347.8  ir: 0.0    f: 327.6  exp: 14  tga: 644   talp: 2795  tav: 1.46e+02 num: 1  q: 0.94         r: 347.78       ir: 0.00
1#0110## 2 ##90#1##         (empty)               q: 0.958 r: 290.4  ir: 0.0    f: 278.1  exp: 22  tga: 1168  talp: 2874  tav: 76.9   num: 1    q: 0.96         r: 290.39       ir: 0.00
11011001 2 ##90#1##         (empty)               q: 0.846 r: 290.3  ir: 0.0    f: 245.7  exp: 22  tga: 1168  talp: 2874  tav: 77.0   num: 1    q: 0.85         r: 290.33       ir: 0.00


Now we can either reuse our previous agent or initialize it one more time passing the initial population of classifiers as apriori knowledge.

# Reinitialize agent using defined configuration and population
agent = ACS2(cfg, population)
population, metrics = agent.exploit(maze, 1)
CPU times: user 33.3 ms, sys: 16 µs, total: 33.4 ms
Wall time: 33.4 ms
{'trial': 0,
 'steps_in_trial': 2,
 'reward': 1000,
 'knowledge': 24.65753424657534,
 'population': 419,
 'numerosity': 419,
 'reliable': 78}


def parse_metrics_to_df(explore_metrics, exploit_metrics):
    def extract_details(row):
        row['trial'] = row['trial']
        row['steps'] = row['steps_in_trial']
        row['numerosity'] = row['numerosity']
        row['reliable'] = row['reliable']
        row['knowledge'] = row['knowledge']
        return row

    # Load both metrics into data frame
    explore_df = pd.DataFrame(explore_metrics)
    exploit_df = pd.DataFrame(exploit_metrics)

    # Mark them with specific phase
    explore_df['phase'] = 'explore'
    exploit_df['phase'] = 'exploit'

    # Extract details
    explore_df = explore_df.apply(extract_details, axis=1)
    exploit_df = exploit_df.apply(extract_details, axis=1)

    # Adjuts exploit trial counter
    exploit_df['trial'] = exploit_df.apply(lambda r: r['trial']+len(explore_df), axis=1)

    # Concatenate both dataframes
    df = pd.concat([explore_df, exploit_df])
    df.set_index('trial', inplace=True)

    return df

For various mazes visualize - classifiers / reliable classifiers for steps - optimal policy - steps (exploration | exploitation) - knowledge - parameters setting

def find_best_classifier(population, situation, cfg):
    match_set = population.form_match_set(situation)
    anticipated_change_cls = [cl for cl in match_set if cl.does_anticipate_change()]

    if (len(anticipated_change_cls) > 0):
        return max(anticipated_change_cls, key=lambda cl:

    return None

def build_fitness_matrix(env, population, cfg):
    original = env.env.maze.matrix
    fitness = original.copy()

    # Think about more 'functional' way of doing this
    for index, x in np.ndenumerate(original):
        # Path - best classfier fitness
        if x == 0:
            perception = env.env.maze.perception(index[1], index[0])
            best_cl = find_best_classifier(population, perception, cfg)
            if best_cl:
                fitness[index] =
                fitness[index] = -1

        # Wall - fitness = 0
        if x == 1:
            fitness[index] = 0

        # Reward - inf fitness
        if x == 9:
            fitness[index] = fitness.max () + 500

    return fitness

def build_action_matrix(env, population, cfg):
        0: u'↑', 1: u'↗', 2: u'→', 3: u'↘',
        4: u'↓', 5: u'↙', 6: u'←', 7: u'↖'

    original = env.env.maze.matrix
    action = original.copy().astype(str)

    # Think about more 'functional' way of doing this
    for index, x in np.ndenumerate(original):
        # Path - best classfier fitness
        if x == 0:
            perception = env.env.maze.perception(index[1], index[0])
            best_cl = find_best_classifier(population, perception, cfg)
            if best_cl:
                action[index] = ACTION_LOOKUP[best_cl.action]
                action[index] = '?'

        # Wall - fitness = 0
        if x == 1:
            action[index] = '\#'

        # Reward - inf fitness
        if x == 9:
            action[index] = 'R'

    return action

Plotting functions and settings

# Plot constants
def plot_policy(env, agent, cfg, ax=None):
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()


    # Handy variables
    maze_countours = maze.env.maze.matrix
    max_x = env.env.maze.max_x
    max_y = env.env.maze.max_y

    fitness_matrix = build_fitness_matrix(env, agent.population, cfg)
    action_matrix = build_action_matrix(env, agent.population, cfg)

    # Render maze as image
    plt.imshow(fitness_matrix, interpolation='nearest', cmap='Reds', aspect='auto',
           extent=[0, max_x, max_y, 0])

    # Add labels to each cell
    for (y,x), val in np.ndenumerate(action_matrix):
        plt.text(x+0.4, y+0.5, "${}$".format(val))

    ax.set_title("Policy", fontsize=TITLE_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)

    ax.set_xlim(0, max_x)
    ax.set_ylim(max_y, 0)

    ax.set_xticks(range(0, max_x))
    ax.set_yticks(range(0, max_y))

def plot_knowledge(df, ax=None):
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    explore_df = df.query("phase == 'explore'")
    exploit_df = df.query("phase == 'exploit'")

    explore_df['knowledge'].plot(ax=ax, c='blue')
    exploit_df['knowledge'].plot(ax=ax, c='red')
    ax.axvline(x=len(explore_df), c='black', linestyle='dashed')

    ax.set_title("Achieved knowledge", fontsize=TITLE_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_xlabel("Trial", fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_ylabel("Knowledge [%]", fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_ylim([0, 105])
def plot_steps(df, ax=None):
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    explore_df = df.query("phase == 'explore'")
    exploit_df = df.query("phase == 'exploit'")

    explore_df['steps'].plot(ax=ax, c='blue', linewidth=.5)
    exploit_df['steps'].plot(ax=ax, c='red', linewidth=0.5)
    ax.axvline(x=len(explore_df), c='black', linestyle='dashed')

    ax.set_title("Steps", fontsize=TITLE_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_xlabel("Trial", fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_ylabel("Steps", fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)
def plot_classifiers(df, ax=None):
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    explore_df = df.query("phase == 'explore'")
    exploit_df = df.query("phase == 'exploit'")

    df['numerosity'].plot(ax=ax, c='blue')
    df['reliable'].plot(ax=ax, c='red')

    ax.axvline(x=len(explore_df), c='black', linestyle='dashed')

    ax.set_title("Classifiers", fontsize=TITLE_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_xlabel("Trial", fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)
    ax.set_ylabel("Classifiers", fontsize=AXIS_TEXT_SIZE)
def plot_performance(agent, maze, metrics_df, cfg, env_name):
    plt.figure(figsize=(13, 10), dpi=100)
    plt.suptitle(f'ACS2 Performance in {env_name} environment', fontsize=32)

    ax1 = plt.subplot(221)
    plot_policy(maze, agent, cfg, ax1)

    ax2 = plt.subplot(222)
    plot_knowledge(metrics_df, ax2)

    ax3 = plt.subplot(223)
    plot_classifiers(metrics_df, ax3)

    ax4 = plt.subplot(224)
    plot_steps(metrics_df, ax4)

    plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.86, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)



# define environment
maze5 = gym.make('Maze5-v0')

# explore
agent_maze5 = ACS2(cfg)
population_maze5_explore, metrics_maze5_explore = agent_maze5.explore(maze5, 3000)

# exploit
agent_maze5 = ACS2(cfg, population_maze5_explore)
_, metrics_maze5_exploit = agent_maze5.exploit(maze5, 400)
CPU times: user 7min 2s, sys: 876 ms, total: 7min 3s
Wall time: 7min 4s
maze5_metrics_df = parse_metrics_to_df(metrics_maze5_explore, metrics_maze5_exploit)
plot_performance(agent_maze5, maze5, maze5_metrics_df, cfg, 'Maze5')



# define environment
woods14 = gym.make('Woods14-v0')

# explore
agent_woods14 = ACS2(cfg)
population_woods14_explore, metrics_woods14_explore = agent_woods14.explore(woods14, 1000)

# exploit
agent_woods14 = ACS2(cfg, population_woods14_explore)
_, metrics_woods14_exploit = agent_woods14.exploit(woods14, 200)
CPU times: user 32.1 s, sys: 62.5 ms, total: 32.2 s
Wall time: 32.3 s
woods14_metrics_df = parse_metrics_to_df(metrics_woods14_explore, metrics_woods14_exploit)
plot_performance(agent_woods14, woods14, woods14_metrics_df, cfg, 'Woods14')