
Use a Python 3.7 environment for development.

Creating environment with Conda (example)

Having a Conda distribution (i.e. Anacoda, Minicoda etc) create environment like:

conda create --name pyalcs python=3.7

Then activate it with:

source activate pyalcs


You should be fine with:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-integrations.txt --upgrade

In case of troubles see Dockerfile and .travis.yml how the project is built from scratch.

Launching example integrations

I assuming you are inside the virtual environment created before. In order to run the integrations from the console you need to specify Python PATH to use the currently checked-out version of pyalcs library:

PYTHONPATH=<PATH_TO_MODULE> python examples/acs2/maze/

Interactive notebooks

Start the Jupyter notebook locally with:

make notebook

Open the browser at localhost:8888 and examine files inside notebooks/ directory.

You might also want to install some extensions:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
jupyter contrib nbextension install